Words and Buttons: performance

Quizzes and demos touching the topic of software performance.

Challenge your performance intuition with nanosecond sorting

And yet another interactive quiz where you get to estimate the performance difference between several variants of the same code.

Using logical operators for logical operations is good

This is the follow-up for the former “Challenge your intuition with C++ operators” piece. It shows that despite the occasional gains from a better compilation, using the proper operators is still beneficial in the long run.

Challenge your performance intuition with C++ operators

Another interactive quiz where you get to estimate the performance difference between several variants of the same code.

Outperforming everything with anything

A 100 lines of Python code that substitute the compiler front-end for a specific computation. This shows that you don't need a “fast” compiling language to write efficient code. In fact, a compilation is only one of the multiple ways to achieve speed.

Vastly outperforming LAPACK with C++ metaprogramming

Still not really about LAPACK. It's a second part of “outperforming” series explaining how the C++ metaprogramming can appear useful for efficient code generation.

Outperforming LAPACK with C metaprogramming

Ok, it's not really about LAPACK. You can consider it a clickbait if you wish. It's about how to tell a compiler to write the code you want with a limited arsenal of tools the C language provides.

Challenge your performance intuition with C++ magic squares

Interactive quiz where you get to estimate the performance difference between several variants of the same code.