Words and Buttons: languages

Interactive essays about programming languages. By the way, if you prefer books to blogs, there is a free book that was originally made from this section.

Fortran is still a thing

A short essay about Fortran in the modern world.

Why Erlang is among the few true computer languages

Usually, a language is something that is used for bilateral communication. For programming languages, this is often untrue. Erlang shows how this can be achieved still.

If I were to invent a programming language for the 21st century

A short essay about the evolution of programming languages.

Logic programming in C++

This shows that there is an invisible Prolog in every C++ compiler. It's up to you what to do with it but it's there.

APL deserves its renaissance too

APL tutorial explaining the meaning of life←{↑1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵}

Playing a game of chance with C++ inline keyword

It's about one particular aspect of C++ compilation that makes programming with the “inline” into a game of chance.

Can you tell an assembly language when you see one?

Interactive quiz featuring several obscure high-level languages and assembly variants.

So you think you know C?

It's a C test. If you think you know C, take this test. It only has 5 questions.

Learn you a Lisp in 0 minutes

A short quiz to reveal your hidden knowledge of Lisp.